

Publication 2011

論文(査読あり)Refereed papers

  • 94.Garcia, Y. C., J. I. Martinez, M. I. Velez, Y. Yokoyama, R. W. Battarbee and F. D. Suter (2011), Palynofacies analysis of the late Holocene San Nicolas terrace of the Cauca paleolake, and paleohydrology of northern South America,Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 299 (1-2), 298-308.[Journal Site]
  • 93.Hanebuth, T. J. J., H. K. Voris, Y. Yokoyama, J. Okuno, and Y. Saito (2011), Formation and fate of sedimentary depocentres on Southeast Asia’s Sunda Shelf over the past sea-level cycle and biogeographic implications,Earth Science Reviews, 104, 92-110.[Journal Site]
  • 92.Hong, P. K., H. Miyahara, Y. Yokoyama, Y. Takahashi and M. Sato (2011), Implications for the low latitude cloud formations from solar activity and the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation,Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 73 (5-6), 587-591.[Journal Site]
  • 91. Kossler, A., P. Tarasov, G. Schlolaut, T. Nakagawa, M. Marshall, A. Brauer, R. Staff, C. Bronk Ramsey, C. Bryant, H. Lamb, D. Demske, K. Gotanda, T. Haraguchi, Y. Yokoyama, H. Yonenobu, R. Tada and Suigetsu 2006 project members (2011), Onset and termination of the late-glacial climate reversal in the high-resolution diatom and sedimentary records from the annually laminated SG06 core from Lake Suigetsu, Japan, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 306, 103-115.[Journal Site]
  • 90.Sagawa, T., Y. Yokoyama, M. Ikehara and M. Kuwae (2011), Vertical thermal structure history in the western subtropical Pacific since the Last Glacial Maximum,Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L00F02, doi:10.1029/2010GL045827.[Journal Site]
  • 89.Seard, C., G. Camoin, Y. Yokoyama, H. Matsuzaki, N. Durand, E. Bard, S. Sepulcre and P. Deschamps (2011), Microbialite development patterns in the last deglacial reefs from Tahiti (French Polynesia; IODP Expedition #310): Implications on reef framework architecture,Marine Geology, 279 (1-4), 63-86.[Journal Site]
  • 88. Suganuma, Y., J. Okuno, D. Heslop, A.P. Roberts, T. Yamazaki, and Y. Yokoyama (2011), Post-depositional remanent magnetization lock-in for marine sediments deduced from 10Be and paleomagnetic records through the Matuyama-Brunhes boundary, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 311, 1, 39-52.[Journal Site]
  • 87.Shiau, L.-J., M.-T. Chen, S. Clemens, C.-A. Huh, M. Yamamoto and Y. Yokoyama (2011), Warm Pool hydrological and terrestrial variability near southern Papua New Guinea Over the past 50k,Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L00F01, doi:10.1029/2010GL045309.[Journal Site]
  • 86. Staff, R.A., C. B. Ramsey, C. L Bryant, F. Brock, R. L. Payne, G. Schlolaut, M. H. Marshall, A. Brauer, H. F. Lamb, P. Tarasov, Y. Yokoyama, T. Haraguchi, K. Gotanda, H. Yonenobu, T. Nakagawa and Suigetsu 2006 Project Members (2011), New 14C Determinations from Lake Suigetsu, Japan: 12,000 to 0 cal BP, Radiocarbon, 53, 3, 511-528.[Journal Site]
  • 85. Switzer, A., Y. Saito, Y. Yokoyama, and N. Catto (2011), Sediment source-to-sink, human influences and paleoenvironmental reconstruction in the coastal zone of East and Southeast Asia, Quaternary International, 230 (1-2), 1-2[Journal Site].
  • 84.Troiani, B. T., A. R. Simms, T. Dellapenna, E. Piper and Y. Yokoyama (2011), The importance of sea-level and climate change, including changing wind energy, on the evolution of a coastal estuary: Copano Bay, Texas,Marine Geology, 280 (1-4), 1-19.[Journal Site]
  • 83.Yamane, M., Y. Yokoyama, H. Miura, H. Maemoku, S. Iwasaki and H. Matsuzaki (2011), The last deglacial history of Lutzow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica,Journal of Quaternary Science, 26 (1) 3-6.[Journal Site]
  • 82. Yokoyama, Y. (2011), Last Glacial Lowstand and Shelf Exposure, in Encyclopaedia of Modern Coral Reefs (Hopley, D., ed., Springer-Verlag, New York) p.620-621.[Journal Site]
  • 81. Yokoyama, Y. (2011), Last Glacial Interstadials, in Encyclopaedia of Modern Coral Reefs (Hopley, D., ed., Springer-Verlag, New York) p.618-620.[Journal Site]
  • 80. Yokoyama, Y. and T. M. Esat (2011), Global Climate and Sea Level: Enduring Variability and Rapid Fluctuations Over the Past 150,000 Years, Oceanography, 24, 54-69, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2011.27.[Journal Site]
  • 79.Yokoyama, Y., A. Suzuki, F. Siringan, Y. Maeda, A. Abe-Ouchi, R. Ohgaito, H. Kawahata and H. Matsuzaki (2011), Mid-Holocene palaeoceanography of the northern South China Sea using coupled fossil-modern coral and Atmosphere-Ocean GCM model,Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L00F03, doi:10.1029/2010GL044231.[Journal Site]
  • 78. Yokoyama, Y., J. M. Webster, C. Cotterill, J. C. Braga, L. Jovane, H. Mills, S. Morgan, A. Suzuki and the IODP 325 Scientists (2011) IODP Expedition 325: The Great Barrier Reef Reveals Past Sea-Level, Climate and Environmental Changes since the Last Ice Age, Scientific Drilling, 12, 32-45, doi:10.2204/iodp.sd.12.04.2011.[Journal Site]


  • 横山祐典 (2011), 第四紀気候変動と地球表層システム, 地質と調査, 128, 39-44.
  • Webster, J.M., Y. Yokoyama, C. Cotterill and the Expedition 325 Scientists (2011), IODP Expedition 325, Proceedings of the Intergrated Ocean Drilling Program, 325, doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.325.106.2011.

学会発表(国際学会) Presentations

☆AGU Fall Meeting 2011 (San Francisco, USA, 2011.12)★

  • Nakamura, A., Y. Yokoyama, H. Maemoku, H. Yagi, M. Okamura, H. Matsuoka, N. Miyake, T. Osada, H. Teramura, T. Yamada, D. P. Adhikari, V. Dangol, Y. Miyairi, S.P. Obrochta, H. Matsuzaki and M.Ikehara, Mid-Late Holocene Asian monsoon variations recorded in the Lake Rara sediment, western Nepal, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting (San Francisco, USA, 2011.12) Poster.
  • Kawakubo, Y., Y. Yokoyama, A. Suzuki, C. Alibert, L. Kinsley and S. M. Eggins, Seasonally resolved sea surface temperature variability over the past 435 years in the northwestern Pacific recorded in Porites coral in Kikai Island, Southern Japan, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting (San Francisco, USA, 2011.12.9 Fri) Poster.
  • Sakashita, W., Y. Yokoyama, H. Miyahara, H. Yonenobu, M. Ohyama, Y. Hoshino, T. Nakatsuka, Causal Link between Solar Variability and Climate Anomalies in East Asia during the Maunder Minimum, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting (San Francisco, USA, 2011.12) Poster.
  • Maccali, J., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Not, C., Poirier, A., Canadian radiogenic isotope signature of Younger Dryas age sediments from the Central Arctic and Fram Strait Areas, AGU Fall Meeting (San-Francisco, USA, 2011.12) Poster.
  • Yokoyama, Y., T. Yamazaki, Y. Miyairi, H. Suga, Y. Chikaraishi, J.B. Anderson, J.R. Southon, and N. Ohkouchi, Rapid retreat of Ross Sea Ice Shelf during the last deglaciation evidenced from coupled measurements of compound specific radiocarbon dating and cosmogenic radionuclide in marine sediments, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting (San Francisco, USA, 2011.12.7 Wed) Oral.

☆The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium (Japan, 2011.12)★

  • Yamane, M., Y. Yokoyama, H. Miura, H. Maemoku, S. Iwasaki and H. Matsuzaki, The last deglacial history of Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica, The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium (University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 2011.12.17 Sat) Poster.
  • Sakashita, W., Y. Yokoyama, H. Miyahara, H. Yonenobu, M. Ohyama, Y. Hoshino, T. Nakatsuka, Causal Relation between Solar Variability and East Asian Climate Anomalies during the Maunder Minimum, The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium (University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 2011.12.17 Sat) Poster.
  • Seki, A., Y. Yokoyama, A. Suzuki, T. Okai, Y. Miyairi, H. Matsuzaki, H. Kan, East China Sea Mid-Holocene sea surface temperature reconstructed from coupled radiocarbon and Sr/Ca measurements for corals obtained from Ryukyu islands, Japan,The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium (University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 2011.12.17 Sat) Oral.
  • Kawakubo, Y., Y. Yokoyama, A Suzuki., M. Koizumi., M. Inoue., H. Matsuzaki and H. Kawahata. Reconstruction of the paleoceanography during mid to late Holocene recorded in fossil corals in Kikai Island, The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium (Tokyo, Japan, 2011.12.17 Sat) Poster.
  • Not, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Sedimentary history of the central Arctic since Marine Isotopic Stage 3: Examples from the Mendeleev and Lomonosov Ridges, 4th East-Asian AMS Meeting (University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 2011.12.17 Sat) Poster.
  • Nakamura, A., Y. Yokoyama, H. Maemoku, H. Yagi, M. Okamura, H. Matsuoka, N. Miyake, T. Osada, H. Teramura, T. Yamada, D. P. Adhikari, V. Dangol, Y. Miyairi, S.P. Obrochta, H. Matsuzaki and M. Ikehara, Mid-Late Holocene Asian monsoon variations recorded in the Lake Rara sediment, western Nepal, The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium (Tokyo, Japan 2011.12) Oral.
  • Kubota, K., Y. Yokoyama, S. Sakai, T. Toyohuku, H. Maemoku, H. Matsuzaki, T. Osada, Mid-Holocene climate reconstruction using oxygen isotopic composition of modern and fossil catfish otolith (Ariopsis spp.) in North West India, 4th East Asia AMS symposium (University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 2011.12.15-18 Thu-Sun) Poster.
  • Shiroya, K., Y. Yokoyama, H. Matsuzaki, A. Nakamura, Various erosion rates of weathered granitic soil surfaces in Abukuma, eastern Japan using in-situ terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides depth profile, The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium (Tokyo, Japan 2011.12) Poster.
  • Yokoyama, Y., S. Takahashi, T. Aze, K. Horiuchi, Y. Miyairi, H. Matsuzaki and H. Motoyama, Blake geomagnetic excursion recorded as 10Be and 26Al flux anomaly in the Dome Fuji ice core, The 4th East Asia AMS Symposium (Tokyo, Japan 2011.12.17) Invited.

☆Lona Crator workshop (India, 2011.12)★

  • Y. Yokoyama, Geochemical fingerprints tracing fingerprints of Asian monsoon and geomagnetic excursion, Lona Crator workshop (NGRI, Hyderaberd, India, 2011.12.14) Oral.

☆The 6th RHIN International Symposium (Japan, 2011.10)★

  • Y. Yokoyama, Paleoclimate During the Last 20,000 Years in Asia-Pacific Region, The 6th RHIN International Symposium “Beyond Collapse: Transformation of human-environmental relationships, past, present and future” (RIHN, Kyoto, Japan, 2011.10.27) Oral.

☆GSA 2011 Annual Meeting (USA, 2011.10)★

  • Shiroya, K., Y. Yokoyama, H. Matsuzaki, A. Nakamura, Various Erosion Rates of weathered granitic soil surfaces in Abukuma, eastern Japan using in-situ terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide depth profile, GSA 2011 Annual Meeting (Minnesota, USA, 2011.10) Poster.
  • Hillaire-Marcel, C., Maccali, J., Not, C., Poirier, A., Canadian radiogenic isotope signature of Younger Dryas age ice-rafted sediments in sedimentary sequences from Lomonosov Ridge and Fram Strait, The Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (Minneapolis, USA, 2011.10) Oral.

☆25th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (Switzerland, 2011.9)★

  • Yamaguchi, Y. T., Y. Takano, Y. Chikaraishi, N. O. Ogawa, H. Imachi, ;H. Suga, Y. Yokoyama and N. Ohkouchi, Nitrogen isotopic signatures of ;amino acids in microbes: culture experiments and applications to ;marine sediments, 25th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry ;(Casino Kursaal, Interlarken, Switzerland, 2011.9.20 Tue) Oral.

☆1st International Workshop on Small Scale Radiocarbon analysis (Switzerland, 2011.9)★

  • Yokoyama, Y., Small size samples radiocarbon dating at the University of Tokyo, 1st International Workshop on Small Scale Radiocarbon analysis (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, 2011.9.13-16)Invited.

☆AOGS 8th Annual Meeting (Taiwan, 2011.8)★

  • Yokoyama, Y., A. Suzuki, F. Siringan, Y. Maeda, A. Abe-Ouchi, R. Ohgaito, H. Kawahata and H. Matsuzaki, Mid-Holocene Palaeoceanography of the South China Sea Using Coupled Fossil-Modern Coral and Atmosphere-Ocean GCM Model, AOGS (Asia Oceania Geosciences Society) 8th Annual Meeting (Taipei International Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan, 2011.8.11 Thu) Invited.
  • Sakashita, W., Y. Yokoyama, H. Miyahara, H. Yonenobu and T. Nakatsuka, The Causal Link between Solar Variability and Asian Monsoon Intensity during the Maunder Minimum, AOGS (Asia Oceania Geosciences Society) 8th Annual Meeting (Taipei International Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan, 2011.8.11 Thu) Oral.
  • Miyahara, H., H. Peng, Y. Yokoyama, Y. Takahashi, M. Sato, K. Munakata and B. Laken, Influence of the 27-day Solar Rotational Period on Tropical Convective Cloud Activity, AOGS (Asia Oceania Geosciences Society) 8th Annual Meeting (Taipei International Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan, 2011.8.11 Thu) Invited.

☆International Symposium on Environmental Change and the Indus Civilization (Kyoto, Japan 2011.8)★

  • Nakamura, A., Y. Yokoyama, H. Maemoku, H. Yagi, M. Okamura, H. Matsuoka, N. Miyake, T. Osada, H. Teramura, T. Yamada, D. P. Adhikari, V. Dangol and H. Matsuzaki, Variability of the Asian monsoon as a potential candidate for decline of Indus civilization, International Symposium on Environmental Change and the Indus Civilization (Kyoto, Japan 2011.8) Oral.
  • Kubota, K., Y. Yokoyama, S. Sakai, H. Maemoku, A. Prasad, T. Osada, Mid Holocene climate reconstruction using oxygen isotopic composition of modern and fossil otolith (Ariopsis spp.) in North West India, International symposium ‘Environmental Change and Indus Civilization’ (Kyoto, Japan, 2011.8.8 Mon) Oral.

☆INQUA XVIII Congress (Switzerland, 2011.7)★

  • Kawakubo, Y., Y. Yokoyama, A. Suzuki, C. Alibert and S. Eggins,A 432-year-long paleoceanographic record in Porites coral in Kikai Island, Southern Japan,INQUA (International Union for Quaternary Research) XVIII Congress (Exhibition and Congress Centre BERNEXPO, Bern, Switzerland, 2011.7.27 Wed) Oral.
  • Maemoku, H., T. Miyauchi, J. Okuno, A. Nakamura, K. Kubota, Y. Yokoyama, N. Miyake, Y. Shitaoka, T. Nagatomo, H. Matsuoka, M. Okamura, H. Yagi and T. Osada,Reappraisal for Natural Impact on Decline and Fall of the Indus Civilization,INQUA (International Union for Quaternary Research) XVIII Congress (Exhibition and Congress Centre BERNEXPO, Bern, Switzerland, 2011.7.25 Mon) Poster.
  • Yokoyama, Y., H. Suga, T. Naruse, A. Abe-Ouchi and N. Ohkouchi,Rapid transmission of climate signals from the North Atlantic to the far Eastern Eurasian continent during the Last Deglacial period,INQUA (International Union for Quaternary Research) XVIII Congress (Exhibition and Congress Centre BERNEXPO, Bern, Switzerland, 2011.7.25 Mon) Poster.
  • Yokoyama, Y., J. Webster, C. Cotterill and the IODP Exp 325 Scientists,Climate and Sea-level changes since the last glacial maximum: Preliminary results from IODP Expedition 325 the Great Barrier Reef Environmental Change,INQUA (International Union for Quaternary Research) XVIII Congress (Exhibition and Congress Centre BERNEXPO, Bern, Switzerland, 2011.7.23 Sat) Invited.
  • Yamane, M., Y. Okazaki, A. Ijiri, M. Ikehara and Y. Yokoyama,A Holocene diatom oxygen isotopes record from the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean,INQUA (International Union for Quaternary Research) XVIII Congress (Exhibition and Congress Centre BERNEXPO, Bern, Switzerland, 2011.7.22 Fri) Oral.

☆11th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences Civilization (Scotland, 2011.7)★

  • Yamane, M., Y. Yokoyama, H. Miura, H. Maemoku, S. Iwasaki and H. Matsuzaki, The last deglacial history of Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica, 11th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences (John Mclntyre Conference Centre, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2011.7.14 Thu) Poster.
  • Yamane, M., Y. Okazaki, A. Ijiri, M. Ikehara and Y. Yokoyama,A Holocene diatom oxygen isotopes record from the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean,11th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences (John Mclntyre Conference Centre, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2011.7.12 Tue) Oral.
  • Yamane, M., Y. Yokoyama and N. Ohkouchi,Establishment of accurate age model of U1357A core using compound-specific radiocarbon dating: preliminary result,IODP Exp. 318 2nd Post-cruise meeting (Grant Institute, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2011.7.8 Fri) Poster.

☆The Arctic Paleoclimate and its extrêmes meeting (Norway, 2011.6)★

  • Hillaire-Marcel, C., Not, C., Maccali, J., Tarasov, L., The AMOC slow down during the Younger Dryas: Enhanced freshwater supplies from the northwestern LIS and/or enhanced sea ice export from the Arctic, The Arctic Paleoclimate and its extrêmes meeting (Svalbard, Norway, 2011.6) Oral.

☆International Workshop on Antarctic Cryosphere Evolution Project (AnCEP) (Japan, 2011.4)★

  • Yokoyama, Y.,Far-field sea-level revealing the Holocene melting history of Antarctic Ice Sheet,International Workshop on Antarctic Cryosphere Evolution Project (AnCEP) (Kochi Core Center, Kochi, Japan, 2011.4.22 Fri) Invited.
  • Yamane, M., Y. Okazaki, A. Ijiri, M. Ikehara and Y. Yokoyama,Diatom oxygen isotopes record of COR-1PC, and radiocarbon dating of LHB-3PC,International Workshop on Antarctic Cryosphere Evolution Project (AnCEP) (Kochi Core Center, Kochi, Japan, 2011.4.21 Thu) Oral.

☆IMAGES Workshop (Taiwan, 2011.4)★

  • Yokoyama, Y., A. Suzuki, F. Siringan, Y. Maeda, A. Abe-Ouchi, R. Ohgaito, H. Kawahata and H. Matsuzaki, Mid-Holocene palaeoceanography of the South China Sea using coupled
  • fossil-modern coral and atmosphere-ocean GCM model. 2nd Western Pacific Paleoceanography IMAGES Workshop: Land-Sea Linkage (National Taiwan Ocean University, ;Keelung, ;Taiwan, 2011.4.18-21) Invited.

☆European Geosciences Union 2011 (Austria, 2011.4)★

  • Not, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Marine evidence from Lomonosov ridge for an Arctic trigger event of the Younger Dryas, European Geosciences Union (Vienna, Austria, 2011.04) Poster.
  • Hillaire-Marcel, C., Not, C., Ghaleb, B., De Vernal, A., Setting chronostratigraphies in low sedimentation rate sequences from the Arctic Ocean: isotopic approaches with focus on U-series, European Geosciences Union (Vienna, Austria, 2011.04) Oral.
  • Fagel, N., Gueibe, J., Mattielli, N., Not, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Sedimentary provenances over glacial/interglacial stages in central Arctic constrained by mineralogy and radiogenic tracers, European Geosciences Union (Vienna, Austria, 2011.04) Poster.

☆BELQUA workshop (Belgium, 2011.3)★

  • Fagel, N., Gueibe, J., Mattielli, N., Not, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Evolution of sedimentary supplies over the last 400 kyr in the Canadian Arctic. BELQUA workshop, (Brussels, Belgium, 2011.03.23) Oral.

☆AGU Chapman Conference on Climates, Past Landscapes, and Civilizations (USA, 2011.3)★

  • Nakamura, A., Y. Yokoyama, H. Maemoku, H. Yagi, M. Okamura, H. Matsuoka, N. Miyake, T. Osada, H. Teramura, T. Yamada, D. P. Adhikari, V. Dangol and H. Matsuzaki,Mid-Late Holocene Asian monsoon reconstruction using a sediment core obtained from Lake Rara, western Nepal,AGU Chapman Conference on Climates, Past Landscapes, and Civilizations (Santa Fe, USA, 2011.3) Oral.
  • Miyake, N., A. Momohara, A. Nakamura, M. Okamura, H. Matsuoka, H. Maemoku, H. Yagi, V. Dangol, T. Osada, Vegitation changes since the middle Holocene around Lake Rara, western Nepal. Climates, Past Landscapes and Civilizations. American Geophysical Union Chapman Conference, AGU Chapman Conference on Climates, Past Landscapes, and Civilizations (Santa Fe, USA, 2011.3) Poster.

☆Space Climate Symposium 4 (India, 2011.1)★

  • Miyahara, H., Y. Yokoyama, Y. T. Yamaguchi, H. Matsuzaki and T. Nakatsuka,Variations of solar activity, cosmic rays, and climate during the Maunder Minimum,Space Climate Symposium 4 (Goa, India, 2011.1)Invited.


☆同位体シンポジウム (京都, 2011.9)★

  • 横山祐典, 炭酸塩同位体を用いたモンスーンアジア域の気候復元, 2011年度同位体シンポジウム (総合地球環境学研究所、京都. 2011.9.29-30)招待講演.

☆2011年度日本地球化学会年会 (北海道, 2011.9)★

  • 山口保彦, 高野淑識, 力石嘉人, 小川奈々子, 井町寛之, 菅寿美, 横山祐典, 大河内直彦, 微生物のアミノ酸窒素同位体組成:培養実験および海底堆積物への応用, 2011年度日本地球化学会年会 (北海道大学、札幌. 2011.9.14 Wed) 口頭.

☆日本第四紀学会2011年大会 (徳島, 2011.8)★

  • 横山祐典, 宮原ひろ子安岡 亮坂下 渉山口保彦・Stewart Fallon 樹木年輪中の高時間分 解能放射性炭素(14C)を用いた完新世後期(~ AD300 年)の太陽活動復元, 日本第四紀学会2011年大会 (徳島, 2011.8.27 Fri) 口頭
  • 川久保友太, 横山祐典, Christelle Not, 宮入陽介, 井上麻夕里, 川幡穂高. 東京大学大気海洋研究所Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometryシステムの紹介 〜地球科学試料の局所非破壊微量元素分析に向けて〜, 日本第四紀学会2011年大会 (徳島, 2011.8.27 Fri) ポスター
  • 川久保友太, 横山祐典, 鈴木淳, Chantal Alibert, Steve Eggins, 喜界島サンゴ骨格を用いた過去432年間の海洋環境復元, 日本第四紀学会2011年大会 (徳島, 2011.8.26 Fri) 口頭.
  • 中村淳路, 横山祐典, 宮入陽介, 城谷和代, 松崎浩之, 鈴木淳, 宇宙線生成核種 10Be・26Al の深度プロファイルを用いた湿潤地域の侵食速度の定量, 日本第四紀学会2011年大会 (徳島, 2011.8)口頭.

☆研究集会「宇宙線生成核種の連続記録と古宇宙線・古環境変動」 (東京, 2011.6)★

  • 横山祐典, ブレイクエクスカーションでの宇宙線生成核種変動, 研究集会「宇宙線生成 核種の連続記録と古宇宙線・古環境変動」 (東京大学、東京. 2011.6.4)招待講演.

☆日本地球惑星科学連合2011年大会 (千葉, 2011.5)★

  • 横山祐典, 宮入陽介, 放射線炭素年代補正曲線:最終氷期のサンゴのウラン系列核種を 用いた補正の進展と問題点, 日本地球惑星科学連合2011年大会 (幕張, 千葉, 2011.5.26 Wed)口頭.
  • 横山祐典, Webster, J., Cotterill, C., and IODP Expedition 325 Scientists, グレートバリアリーフサンゴ礁掘削による海水準および古環境復元-IODP325 (GBREC) 速報-, 日本地球惑星科学連合2011年大会 (幕張, 千葉, 2011.5.26 Wed)口頭.
  • Yokoyama, Y., Miyairi, Y., Okuno, J., Goto, K., Haraguchi, T., and Matsuzaki, H. Detecting Antarctic melting during the Holocene using sea-level information from Sri Lanka, 日本地球惑星科学連合2011年大会 (幕張, 千葉, 2011.5.25 Wed)口頭.
  • 川久保友太, 横山祐典, 鈴木淳, Chantal Alibert, Steve Eggins, 喜界島サンゴ骨格を用いた過去432年間の海洋環境復元, 日本地球惑星科学連合2011年大会 (幕張, 千葉, 2011.5.25 Wed)口頭.
  • 中村淳路, 横山祐典, 宮入陽介, 松崎浩之, 鈴木淳, 宇宙線生成核種を用いた阿武隈山地における侵食速度の定量, 日本地球惑星科学連合2011年大会(幕張, 千葉, 2011.5)口頭.
  • 窪田薫, 横山祐典, 坂井三郎, 豊福高志, 前杢英明, 松崎浩之, 長田俊樹, P. Ajithprasad, インダス遺跡から産出した化石耳石による古環境復元, 日本地球惑星科学連合2011年大会(幕張, 千葉, 2011.5.26 THU)口頭.
  • 山根雅子, 岡崎裕典, 井尻暁, 池原実, 横山祐典, 南大洋インド洋区における完新世の珪藻殻酸素同位体比変動, 日本地球惑星科学連合2011年大会 (幕張メッセ, 千葉, 2011.5.26 Thu) 口頭.
  • 三宅尚, 百原新, 中村淳路, 横山祐典, 岡村眞, 松岡裕美, 前杢英明, 八木浩司, Vishnu Dangol, 長田俊樹, ネパール西部,ララ湖周辺における完新世中期以降の植生変遷と火事, 日本地球惑星科学連合2011年大会(幕張, 千葉, 2011.5)口頭.
  • 岡村眞, 松岡裕美, 尾崎誠, 前杢英明, 八木浩司, 中村淳路, 横山祐典, 寺村裕史, 長田俊樹, 西ネパール・ララ湖底コアの完新世堆積物, 日本地球惑星科学連合2011年大会(幕張, 千葉, 2011.5)ポスター.
  • 関有沙, 横山祐典, 鈴木淳, 宮入陽介, 菅浩伸, 石村豊穂, 松崎浩之, 放射性炭素年代測定を用いた、沖縄県久米島下地原鍾乳洞石筍の年代モデル構築, 日本地球惑星科学連合2011年大会 (幕張メッセ, 千葉, 2011.5.25 ) 口頭.
  • 山口保彦, 高野淑識, 力石嘉人, 小川奈々子, 井町寛之, 菅寿美, 横山祐典, 大河内直彦, 微生物のアミノ酸窒素同位体組成:培養実験および海底堆積物への応用, 日本地球惑星科学連合2011年大会 (幕張メッセ, 千葉, 2011.5.22 Sun) 口頭.

☆IODPシンポジウム (東京, 2011.5)★

  • 横山祐典, 陸上-海洋掘削の”統合的推進”による表層環境変遷の解明, IODPシンポジウム(東京, 2011.5.21)口頭.

☆研究集会「地球生命科学の夢ロードマップ」 (千葉, 2011.2)★

  • 山口保彦, 学生たちで議論した地球生命科学の未来, 研究集会「地球生命科学の夢ロードマップ ―古環境研究から未来環境を予測する―」 (東京大学大気海洋研究所, 柏, 2011.2.11 Fri) 口頭.

☆研究集会「バイオミネラリゼーションと石灰化」 (千葉, 2011.2)★

  • 川久保友太, 横山祐典, 鈴木淳, Chantal Alibert, Steve Eggins, 喜界島サンゴ骨格を用いた過去432年間の海洋環境変動, 研究集会「バイオミネラリゼーションと石灰化-遺伝子から地球環境まで-」 (東京大学大気海洋研究所, 柏, 2011.2.10 Thu)口頭.
  • 窪田薫横山祐典,坂井三郎,前杢英明,豊福高志,松崎浩之,長田俊樹,インダス遺跡産出化石および現生の魚の耳石酸素同位体比による北東アラビア海の後期完新世海水温記録復元, 研究集会「バイオミネラリゼーションと石灰化-遺伝子から地球環境まで-」 (東京大学大気海洋研究所, 柏, 2011.2.10 Thu) 口頭.

☆研究集会「日本列島周辺域に分布するテフラのデータベース整備にむけて」(千葉, 2011.1)★

  • 横山祐典, 宮入陽介, 日本周辺テフラの第四紀後期古環境研究における重要性, 研究集会「日本列島周辺域に分布するテフラのデータベース整備にむけて」(東京大学大気海洋研究所, 柏, 2011.1.12 Thu)

☆2010年度古海洋シンポジウム (千葉, 2011.1)★

  • 横山祐典, Jose Ignacio Martinez, 宮入陽介, 中期-後期完新世のカリブ海沿岸試料を用いた環境変動復元, 2010年度古海洋シンポジウム (東京大学大気海洋研究所, 柏, 2011.1.6 Thu)ポスター.
  • 坂下渉, 横山祐典, 宮原ひろ子, 中塚武, 樹木年輪を用いたマウンダー極小期における北半球の気候変動の復元, 2010年古海洋シンポジウム (東京大学大気海洋研究所, 柏, 2011.1.6 Thu) ポスター.
  • 窪田薫横山祐典,坂井三郎,豊福高志,前杢英明,長田俊樹,松崎浩之,魚の耳石の酸素同位体比による北東アラビア海の後期完新世海水温記録, 2010年度古海洋シンポジウム (東京大学大気海洋研究所, 柏, 2011.1.6 Thu) ポスター.
  • 川久保友太, 横山祐典, 鈴木淳, Chantal Alibert, Steve Eggins, 喜界島サンゴ骨格を用いた過去432年間の海洋環境変動, 2010年度古海洋シンポジウム (東京大学大気海洋研究所, 柏, 2011.1.7 Fri) 口頭.

Yokoyama Lab,
Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute,
The University of Tokyo

5-1-5,Kashiwanoha,Kashiwa-shi,Chiba 277-8564 Japan


Phone: +81-80-7130-1438

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