

Publication 2006

論文(査読あり)Refereed papers

  • 32.Esat, T. M. and Y. Yokoyama (2006), Variability in the Uranium isotopic composition of the oceans over glacial-interglacial timescales,Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 70, 4140-4150.[Journal Site]
  • 31.Esat, T. M., and Y. Yokoyama (2006), Growth patterns of the last ice age coral terraces at Huon Peninsula.Global and Planetary Change, 54, 216-224.
    [Journal Site]
  • 30.Martinez, J. I., D. Rincon, Y. Yokoyama, and T. T. Barrows (2006), Foraminifera and coccolithophorid assemblage changes in the Panama Basin during the last deglaciation: Response to sea-surface productivity induced by a transient climate change.Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 234, 114-126.[Journal Site]
  • 29.Yokoyama, Y., and T. M. Esat (2006), Comment on “Extending the radiocarbon calibration beyond 26,000 years before present using fossil corals” by T.-C. Chiu, R.G. Fairbanks, R.A. Mortlock, and A.L. Bloom. (Quaternary Science Reviews 24 (2005) 1797-1808),Quaternary Science Reviews, 25, 3081-3083.[Journal Site]
  • 28.Yokoyama, Y., T. Naruse, N. O. Ogawa, R. Tada, H. Kitazato, and N. Ohkouchi (2006), Dust influx reconstruction during the last 26,000 years inferred from a sedimentary leaf wax record from the Japan Sea.Global and Planetary Change, 54, 239-250.[Journal Site]
  • 27.Yokoyama, Y., A. Purcell, J. F. Marshall, and K. Lambeck (2006), Sea-level during the early deglaciation period in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia.Global and Planetary Change, 53, 147-153.[Journal Site]

学会発表(国際学会) Presentations

  • Yokoyama, Y., A. Suzuki, F. Siringan, Y. Maeda, A. Abe-Ouchi, H. Matsuzaki, R. Ohgaito and H. Kawahata, Mid Holocene SST record from Northern South China Sea using fossil coral and Atmosphere-Ocean GCM model, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting (San Francisco, USA 2006.12) Oral.
  • Elliote, M., K. Welsh, Y. Yokoyama, M. McCulloch and J. Chappell, Holocene records of Western Pacific Warm Pool paleoclimate using fossil long-lived giant Tridacna from Papua New Guinea, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting (San Francisco, USA 2006.12) Oral.
  • Abe-Ouchi, A., R. Ohgaito, A. Oka and Y. Yokoyama, Global response to fresh water release under different climate states,American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting (San Francisco, USA 2006.12) Poster.
  • Maemoku, H., H. Miura, S. Iwasaki, Y. Yokoyama and H. Matsuzaki, Holocene Glacial Fluctuation Reconstructed from Glacio-marine Sediments at Skallen in the Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting (San Francisco, USA 2006.12) Poster.
  • Yokoyama, Y., Cosmogenic nuclides recorded melting history of the Enderby Land and the Dronning Maud Land of East Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Marine Isotope Stage 3, International symposium of AMS study “Prospects for the New Frontiers of Earth and Environmental Sciences” (Tokyo, Japan, 2006.10)Invited.
  • Aze, T., Y. Yokoyama, H. Matsuzaki, K. Horiuchi, Y. Shibata and H. Motoyama, Clorine-36 variability for the past 900 years recorded in the Dome Fuji shallow ice core, International symposium of AMS study “Prospects for the New Frontiers of Earth and Environmental Sciences” (Tokyo, Japan, 2006.10).
  • Miyairi, Y., Y. Yokoyama, H. Matsuzaki and S. Tsukamoto, Filling the gap between radiocarbon and K-Ar chronology using coupled AMS radiocarbon measurements and Red Thermoluminescence dating for Quaternary tephra, International symposium of AMS study “Prospects for the New Frontiers of Earth and Environmental Sciences” (Tokyo, Japan, 2006.10).
  • Yamane, M., Y. Yokoyama, H. Miura, H. Maemoku, S. Iwasaki and H. Matsuzaki, East Antarctic glaciations along the Skarvsnes coast recorded in cosmogenic nuclides, International symposium of AMS study “Prospects for the New Frontiers of Earth and Environmental Sciences” (Tokyo, Japan, 2006.10) Poster.
  • Shiroya, K., Y. Yokoyama, S. Sakamoto, and H. Matsuzaki, A study on the aridification in the Atacama Desert, Chile using in-situ 10Be and 26Al, International symposium of AMS study ―Prospects for the New Frontiers of Earth and Environmental Sciences (Tokyo, Japan, 2006.10) Poster.
  • Horiike, S., Y. Yokoyama, S. Sakai, N. Ohkouchi, H. Kawahata, A. Suzuki, H. Oda and H. Matsuzaki, Paleoceanography in Timor Sea: Study for understanding the role of Western Pacific Warm Pool and Indonesian Through Flow for global climate, International symposium of AMS study “Prospects for the New Frontiers of Earth and Environmental Sciences” (Tokyo, Japan, 2006.10) Poster.
  • Ikeda, S., Y. Yokoyama, Y. Hamano, T. Nakagawa and H. Matsuzaki, Geomagnetic field reconstruction during the last 100,000 years based on remanent magnetization and Be-10 measurements form Lake Suigetsu sediments,International symposium of AMS study “Prospects for the New Frontiers of Earth and Environmental Sciences” (Tokyo, Japan, 2006.10) Poster.
  • Yokoyama, Y., A. Purcell, J. F. Marshall and K. Lambeck, Sea-level during the early deglaciation period in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, SEALAIX’06 Sea Level Changes: Records, Processes, and Modelling (Giens, France, 2006.9).
  • Maeda, Y., Y. Yokoyama, F. P. Siringan and H. Matsuzaki, Holocene sea-level change records in the Philippines, SEALAIX’06 Sea Level Changes: Records, Processes, and Modelling (Giens, France, 2006.9).
  • Esat, T. M., and Y. Yokoyama, Growth patterns of the last ice age coral terraces at Huon Peninsula,SEALAIX’06 Sea Level Changes: Records, Processes, and Modelling (Giens, France, 2006.9).
  • Deschamps, P., N. Durand, E. Bard, B. Hamelin, G. Camoin, A. L. Thomas, G. M. Henderson, Y. Yokoyama and IODP Expedition 310 Scientists, Extending the Tahiti Post-Glacial sea-level record with offshore drilled corals. First results from IODP Expedition 310, SEALAIX’06 Sea Level Changes: Records, Processes, and Modelling (Giens, France, 2006.9).
  • Thomas, A. L., G. M. Henderson, P. Deschamps, Y. Yokoyama, E. Bard, N. Durand, B. Hamelin, G. Camoin and IODP Expedition 310 Scientists, Extending the Tahiti Post-Glacial sea-level record with offshore drilled corals. First results from IODP Expedition 310, SEALAIX’06 Sea Level Changes: Records, Processes, and Modelling (Giens, France, 2006.9).
  • Westphal, H., G. Camoin, J. Peckmann, K. Heindel, C. Seard, A. Eisenhauer and IODP Expedition 310 Scientists, Reef response to last deglacial rapid sea-level rise: The microbialite
  • Yokoyama Y., Rapid melting and growing of the Antarctic ice sheet during the last ice age observed from on and off shore samples, Special Seminar at the Research Center for Ocean Margins (RCOM), Bremen University (Bremen, Germany, 2006.2)Invited.


  • 山根雅子, 本山秀明, 植村立, 三宅隆之, 北和之, 五十嵐誠, 南極ドームふじ浅層コアの酸素安定同位体比と化学成分の主成分分析, 平成18年度極域気水圏・生物圏合同シンポジウム (東京, 2006.11) 口頭.
  • 山根雅子, 横山祐典, 三浦英樹, 前杢英明, 岩崎正吾, 松崎浩之, 宇宙線生成核種を用いた第四紀後期の東南極スカルブスネス地域の氷床変動の解明, 第26回極域地学シンポジウム (東京, 2006.10)
  • 山根雅子, 本山秀明, 植村立, 三宅隆之, 北和之, 五十嵐誠, 南極氷床ドームふじ浅層コアの安定同位体比と化学成分の主成分分析, 2006年度日本地球化学会第53回年会 (東京, 2006.9) 口頭.
  • 鈴木淳, 岩崎望, 渡辺舞, 井上麻夕里, 蓑島佳代, 長谷川浩, 横山祐典, 川幡穂高, 造礁サンゴ、冷水サンゴ、深海サンゴの骨格の酸素・炭素同位体比の挙動について, 2006年度日本地球化学会第53回年会 (東京, 2006.9) 口頭.
  • 川幡穂高, 鈴木淳, 井上麻夕里, 横山祐典, 生物起源アラレ石にみられる速度論的効果, 2006年度日本地球化学会第53回年会 (東京, 2006.9) 口頭.
  • 横山祐典, サンゴと南極氷床~熱帯サンプルに記録された北半球および南極氷床の変動, 日本第四紀学会2006年創立50周年大会シンポジウム「人類の環境を第四紀から考える」 (東京, 2006.8) 招待講演.
  • 横山祐典, 最終氷期の気候変動・大気・海洋・雪氷圏そして固体地球, 東京工業大学21世紀COEプログラム特別セミナー (東京, 2006.6) 招待講演.
  • 鈴木淳, 渡辺舞, 井上麻夕里, 岩崎望, 横山祐典, 長谷川浩, 川幡穂高, 深海宝石サンゴ(八放サンゴ類Corallium属)の骨格の酸素炭素同位体比および元素組成について, 日本古生物学会2006年年会 (島根, 2006.6) 口頭.
  • 横山祐典, Archeological sites constrain deformation of the solid Earth due to the last deglacial sea-level change, 太陽活動と地球環境シンポジウム (東京, 2006.6) 招待講演.
  • 横山祐典, 三浦英樹, Robert Finkel, 村澤晃, 松本拓也, 前杢英明, 森脇喜一, 松崎浩之, Rapid climate changes during the last ice age recorded in coral skeletons and Antarctic rocks, 地球惑星関連科学連合2006年合同大会 (千葉幕張, 2006.5) 招待講演.
  • 横山祐典, 成瀬竜洋, 小川奈々子, 多田隆治, 北里洋, 大河内直彦, Dust influx reconstruction during the last 26,000 years inferred from a sedimentary leaf wax record from the Japan Sea., 地球惑星科学関連学会2006年合同大会 (千葉幕張, 2006.5) 口頭.
  • 阿瀬貴博, 横山祐典, 松崎浩之, 堀内一穂, 柴田康行, 本山秀明, AMSによる南極ドームふじ浅層コア中のCl-36の測定, 地球惑星科学関連学会2006年合同大会 (千葉幕張, 2006.5) 口頭.
  • 菅浩伸, 中島陽典, 堀信行, 中井達郎, 横山祐典, 大橋倫也, 濱中望, 岡本健裕, 完新世温暖期における北限域サンゴ礁の形成ー薩南諸島の礁形成とそのタイミングー, 地球惑星科学関連学会2006年合同大会 (千葉幕張, 2006.5) 口頭.
  • 鈴木淳, 岩崎望, 横山祐典, 井上麻夕里, 長谷川浩, 渡辺舞, 川幡穂高, 深海宝石サンゴ(八方サンゴ類Corallium属)の骨格化学組成, 地球惑星科学関連学会2006年合同大会 (千葉幕張, 2006.5) 口頭.
  • 豊田倫子, 横山祐典, 三浦英樹, 力石嘉人, 徳山英一, 北里洋, 大河内直彦, Hydrogen isotopic record of biomarkers in Ross Sea sediments for the reconstruction of West Antarctic Ice Sheet in the last 30 kyr, 地球惑星科学関連学会2006年合同大会 (千葉幕張, 2006.5) 口頭.
  • 前田保夫, 横山祐典, 松崎浩之, Holocene sea-level observations obtained from Samar island, Philippines,地球惑星科学関連学会2006年合同大会 (千葉幕張, 2006.5) 口頭.
  • 宮入陽介, 塚本すみ子, 横山祐典, RTL法を用いたテフラの年代測定-年代測定手法間のクロスチェックによる検討-, 地球惑星科学関連学会2006年合同大会 (千葉幕張, 2006.5) ポスター.

Yokoyama Lab,
Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute,
The University of Tokyo

5-1-5,Kashiwanoha,Kashiwa-shi,Chiba 277-8564 Japan


Phone: +81-80-7130-1438

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