Publication 2018
論文(査読あり)Refereed papers
- 223.川幡穂高,横山 祐典, 黒田潤一郎, 井龍康文, 狩野彰宏 (2018), IODPにおける炭酸塩トピックス, 地質学雑誌, 124(1),35-45
- 222.矢野 梓水, 百原 新, 近藤 玲介, 宮入 陽介, 重野 聖之,紀藤 典夫, 井上 京, 横田 彰宏, 嵯峨山 積, 横地 穣,横山 祐典, 冨士田, 裕子 (2018), 大型植物化石群から復元した北海道北部猿払川湿原群の発達過程, 植生史研究, 27(1),17-30
- 221.伊藤真裕子, 森愛, 本郷宙軌, 浅海竜司, 宮入陽介, 横山祐典, 藤田和彦 (2018), 星砂の摩耗度と放射性炭素年代に基づく瀬底島海浜堆積物の生産年代と運搬・堆積過程, 日本サンゴ礁学会誌, 20(1),1-20
- 220.嵯峨山 積, 近藤 玲介, 重野 聖之, 横田彰宏, 宮入 陽介, 百原 新, 冨士田 裕子, 矢野 梓水, 横山 祐典 (2018), 北海道北部猿払村の沖積層コアの珪藻分析-塩分指数と電気伝導度の検討-, 地球科学, 72(1), 1-10
- 219. Obrochta, S.P., Yokoyama, Y., Yoshimoto, M., Yamamoto, S., Miyairi, Y., Nagano, G., Nakamura, A., Tsunematsu, K., Lamair, L., Hubert-Ferrari, A., Lougheed, B.C., Hokanishi, A., Yasuda, A., Heyvaert, V.M.A., De Batist, M., Fujiwara, O., the QuakeRecNankai Team. 2018, Mt. Fuji Holocene eruption history reconstructed from proximal lake sediments and high-density radiocarbon dating, Quaternary Science Reviews, 200, 395-405, [Journal Site]
- 218. Ishikawa, N.F., Itahashi, Y., Blattmann, T.M., Takano, Y., Ogawa, N.O., Yamane, M., Yokoyama, Y., Nagata, T., Yoneda, M., Haghipour, N., Eglinton, T.I., and Ohkouchi, N. 2018, An improved method for isolation and purification of underivatized amino acids for radiocarbon analysis, Analytical Chemistry, 90(20), 12
- 217. Takano, Y., Chikaraishi, Y., Imachi, H., Miyairi, Y., Ogawa, N.O., Kaneko, M., Yokoyama, Y., Krüger, M., and Ohkouchi, N. 2018, Insight into anaerobic methanotrophy from 13C/12C- amino acids and 14C/12C-ANME cells in seafloor microbial ecology, Scientific Reports, 8, 14070
- 216. Sakashita, W., Yokoyama, Y., Miyahara, H., Aze, T., Obrochta, S.P., Ohyama, M., and Yonenobu, H. (2018). Assessment of Northeastern Japan Tree-Ring Oxygen isotopes for reconstructing early summer hydroclimate and spring Arctic Oscillation. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 19, 3520-3528, [Journal site]
- 215. Li, Z., Chen, M.-T., Lin, D.-C., Shi, X., Liu, S., Wang, H., Yokoyama, Y., Shen, C.-C., Mii, H.-S., Troa, R.A., Zuraida, R., Triarso, E., and Hendrizan, M. 2018, Evidence of solar insolation and internal forcing of sea surface temperature changes in the eastern tropical Indian Ocean during the Holocene, Quaternary International, doi: [Journal Site]
- 214. Miklavic,B., Yokoyama, Y., Urata, K., Miyairi, Y., and Kan, H. 2018, Holocene relative sea level history from phreatic overgrowths on speleothems (POS) on Minami Daito Island, Northern Philippine Sea, Quaternary International, doi: [Journal Site]
- 213. Bell, T., Iguchi, A., Suzuki, A., Seki, A., and Yokoyama, Y. 2018, Testing possible relationships between Acropora digitifera genes, seawater chemistry and skeletal elements, GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL, doi: [Journal Site]
- 212. Camuera, J., Jiménez-Moreno, G., Ramos-Román, M.J., Garcia-Alix, A., Toney, J.L., Anderson, R.S., Jiménez-Espejo, F., Kaufman, D., Bright, J., Webster, C., Yanes, Y., Carrión, J.S., Ohkouchi, N., Suga, H., Yamane, M., Yokoyama, Y., and Martínez-Ruiz, F. 2018, Orbital-scale environmental and climatic changes recorded in a new∼ 200,000-year-long multiproxy sedimentary record from Padul, southern Iberian Peninsula, Quaternary Science Reviews, doi: [Journal Site]
- 211. Yusuke Yokoyama, Tezer M Esat, William G Thompson, Alexander L Thomas, Jody M Webster, Yosuke Miyairi, Chikako Sawada, Takahiro Aze, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, Jun’ichi Okuno, Stewart Fallon, Juan-Carlos Braga, Marc Humblet, Yasufumi Iryu, Donald C Potts, Kazuhiko Fujita, Atsushi Suzuki, Hironobu Kan. 2018, Rapid glaciation and a two-step sea-level plunge into The Last Glacial Maximum, Nature, doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0335-4[Journal Site]
- 210. Inoue, M., Nakamura, T., Tanaka, Y., Suzuki, A., Yokoyama, Y., Kawahata, H., Sakai, K., and Gussone, N. 2018, A simple role of coral-algal symbiosis in coral calcification based on multiple geochemical tracers, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, doi:[Journal Site]
- 209. Ziye Li, Min-Te Chen, Da-Cheng Lin, Houjie Wang, Xuefa Shi, Shengfa Liu, Yusuke Yokoyama, Masanobu Yamamoto, Chuan-Chou Shen, Horng-Sheng Mii 2018, Holocene surface hydroclimate changes in the Indo-Pacific warm pool, Quaternary International, doi:[Journal Site]
- 208. Webster, J.M., Braga, J.C., Humblet, M., Potts, D.C., Iryu, Y., Yokoyama, Y., Fujita, K., Bourillot, R., Esat, T.M., Fallon, S., Thompson, W.G., Thomas, A.L., Kan, H., McGregor, H.V., Hinestrosa, G., Obrochta, S.P., and Lougheed, B.C. 2018, Response of the Great Barrier Reef to sea-level and environmental changes over the past 30,000 years, Nature Geoscience, doi: doi:10.1038/s41561-018-0127-3[Journal Site]
- 207. Kitamura, A., Ito, M., Sakai, S., Yokoyama, Y., and Miyairi, Y. 2018, Identification of tsunami deposits using a combination of radiometric dating and oxygen-isotope profiles of articulated bivalves, Marine Geology, doi:[Journal Site]
- 206. Pace, A., Bourillot, R., Bouton, A., Vennin, E., Braissant, O., Dupraz, C., Duteil, T., Bundeleva, I., Patrier, P., Galaup, S., Yokoyama, Y., Franceschi, M., Virgone, A., and Visscher, P.T. 2018, Formation of stromatolite lamina at the interface of oxygenic–anoxygenic photosynthesis, Geobiology, doi: 10.1111/gbi.12281[Journal Site]
- 205. Yamamoto, S., Uchiyama, T., Miyairi, Y., and Yokoyama, Y. 2018, Volcanic and environmental influences of Mt. Fuji on the d13C of terrestrially-derived n-alkanoic acids in sediment from Lake Yamanaka, central Japan, Organic Geochemistry, doi:[Journal Site]
- 204. Ishizawa, T., Goto, K., Yokoyama, Y., Miyairi, Y., Sawada, C., and Takada, K. 2018, Reducing the age range of tsunami deposits by 14C dating of rip-up clasts, Sedimentary Geology, doi:[Journal Site]
- 203. Garrett, E., Fujiwara, O., Riedesel, S., Wapstra, J., Deforce, K., Yokoyama, Y., Schmidt, S., Brückner, H., De Batist, M., Heyvaert, V.M.A., and the QuakeRecNankai Team 2018, Historical Nankai-Suruga megathrust earthquakes recorded by tsunami and terrestrial mass movement deposits on the Shirasuka coastal lowlands, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan, The Holocene, doi: 10.1177/0959683617752844[Journal Site]
- 202. Not, C., Thibodeau, B., and Yokoyama, Y. 2018, Incorporation of Mg, Sr, Ba, U and B in High-Mg calcite benthic foraminifers cultured under controlled pCO2, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, doi: 10.1002/2017GC007225[Journal Site]
- 201. Ando, M., Kitamura, A., Tu, Y., Ohashi, Y., Imai, T., Nakamura, M., Ikuta, R., Miyairi, Y., Yokoyama, Y., and Shishikura, M. 2018, Source of high tsunamis along the southernmost Ryukyu trench inferred from tsunami stratigraphy, Tectonophysics, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2017.11.007[Journal Site]
- 200. Lamair, L., Hubert-Ferrari, A., Yamamoto, S., El Ouahabi, M., Auwera, J.V., Obrochta, S., Boes, E., Nakamura, A., Fujiwara, O., Shishikura, M., Schmidt, S., Siani, G., Miyairi, Y., Yokoyama, Y., De Batist, M., Heyvaert, V., and QuakeRecNankai Team 2018, Volcanic influence of Mt. Fuji on the watershed of Lake Motosu and its impact on the lacustrine sedimentary record, Sedimentary Geology, doi:[Journal Site]
学会発表(国際学会) Presentations
☆2018 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (Washington, USA, 2018.12)★
- Yusuke Yokoyama, Jody Webster,The last 30,000 years of sea level and paleoenvironment changes recorded in submerged coral reef terraces in the Great Barrier Reef, 2018 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (Washington, USA, 2018.12.11 Tue) poster.INVITED
- Adam David Sproson, Yusuke Yokoyama, Yosuke Miyairi, Holocene Antarctic subglacial weathering and ice-sheet history reconstructed using the authigenic 10Be/9Be ratios of sediments from lake Maruwan Oike, Antarctica, 2018 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (Washington, USA, 2018.12.14 Fri) poster.
- Yusuke Yokoyama, Tezer M East, Jody Webster, Junishiro Okuno, Takeshige Ishiwa, Yosuke Miyairi, Alex Thomas, Rapid sea level changes during the period into and out of the Last Glacial Maximum, 2018 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (Washington, USA, 2018.12.10 Mon) oral.
Laura Reynolds, Alexander Simms, Thomas K Rockwell, Yusuke Yokoyama, and Alexandra Hangsterfer, Holocene Hydroclimate in Coastal Southern California, 2018 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (Washington, USA, 2018.12.11 Tue) poster.
- Takeshi Nakagawa, Richard Staff, Christopher Bronk Ramsey, Charlotte Bryant, Gordon Schlolaut, Achim Brauer, Michael H Marshall, Henry F. Lamb, Pavel E Tarasov, Tsuyoshi Haraguchi, Katsuya Gotanda, Takayuki Omori, Hitoshi Yonenobu, Yusuke Yokoyama, Ryuji Tada and Suigetsu 2006 Project Members, Onsets of the Holocene and the Lateglacial Interstadial Have Different Mechanisms – Revealed by Robust Synchronisation of Suigetsu, NGRIP, Hulu and Other High-Resolution Archives., 2018 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (Washington, USA, 2018.12.10 Mon) oral.
Lindsay O Prothro, Wojciech Majewski, Yusuke Yokoyama, Lauren Miller Simkins, John B Anderson, Masako Yamane and Naohiko Ohkouchi, Duration of the maximum extent of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet grounding line in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, and subsequent complex retreat, 2018 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (Washington, USA, 2018.12.11 Tue) oral.
- Hideaki Maemoku, Tomoo Echigo, Yuichi Namegaya, Yusuke Yokoyama, Yosuke Miyairi, Cosmogenic nuclide dating to determine timings of huge tsunami using tsunami boulders derived from a dike of quartz porphyry in Hashigui-iwa facing the Nankai Trough,Pacific side of central Japan, 2018 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (Washington, USA, 2018.12.13 The) poster.
☆Heavy Ion Accelerator Symposium 2018 (Canberra, Australia, 2018.11)★
- Yokoyama, Y., Past Geomagnetic field reconstructions using cosmogenic radio nuclides in the Antarctic ice core,Heavy Ion Accelerator Symposium 2018 (Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 2018.11.20 Tue) oral. INVITED
☆Workshop on Understanding the Pan-Pacific Anthropocene (Taipei, Taiwan, 2018.10)★
- Yokoyama, Y., Climate change and anthropogenic environmental signals captured in high-resolution coral skeletal geochemistry,Workshop on Understanding the Pan-Pacific Anthropocene
(National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2018.10.27 Sat) oral. INVITED
☆Japan Australia Sangosho Geomorphology (Fukuoka, Japan, 2018.9)★
- Yokoyama, Y., Webster J., Fujita K., Kan H., and Exp 325 Scientists, The Great Barrier Reef Environmental Change during the last 30,000 years (Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, 2018.9.18 Tue) oral. INVITED
☆The 23rd International Radiocarbon Conference (Trondheim, Norway, 2018.6)★
- Kazuhiro Yagasaki, Juichiro Ashi, Yusuke Yokoyama, Yosuke Miyairi, Shinichi Kuramoto, Correction model for complex deep marine environments at cold seep vents off Tokai, Japan: Seawater DIC acquisition by Calpyptogena sp. bivalves, The 23rd international Radiocarbon Conference (Trondheim, Norway, 2018.6.17-22 Sun-Fri) poster.
Aymeric Servettaz, Yusuke Yokoyama, Shoko Hirabayashi, Markus Kienast, Yosuke Miyairi, Mahyar Mothadi, Origin of water masses in the western Coral Sea based on radiocarbon, The 23rd international Radiocarbon Conference (Trondheim, Norway, 2018.6.17-22 Sun-Fri) poster.
Shoko Hirabayashi, Yusuke Yokoyama, Atsushi Suzuki, Yosuke Miyairi, Takahiro Aze, Fernando Siringan, Yasuo Maeda, Seasonal bomb-14C variability recorded in the coral from the northwest part of the Luzon Island, Philippines, The 23rd international Radiocarbon Conference (Trondheim, Norway, 2018.6.17-22 Sun-Fri) poster.
- Kaoru Kubota, Kotaro Shirai, Naoko Sugihara-Murakami, Koji Seike, Kazushige Tanabe, Masayo Minami, Toshio Nakamura, North Pacific bomb-14C record reconstructed from long-lived bivalve shells and its application, The 23rd international Radiocarbon Conference (Trondheim, Norway, 2018.6.17-22 Sun-Fri) poster.
Kosuke Ota, Yusuke Yokoyama,Yosuke Miyairi, Jun Hayakawa, Naomi Sato, Hideki Fukuda, Toshi Nagata, North Pacific surface water radiocarbon recorded in abalone obtained from Otsuchi bay, Japan, The 23rd international Radiocarbon Conference (Trondheim, Norway, 2018.6.17-22 Sun-Fri) poster.
- Naoto Fukuyo, Yusuke Yokoyama, Yosuke Miyairi, Yusuke Igarashi, AMS Dating of wooden sculptures from a Shinto shrine in Akita, Japan, The 23rd international Radiocarbon Conference (Trondheim, Norway, 2018.6.17-22 Sun-Fri) poster.
- Yusuke Yokoyama, Kentaro Tawara, Atsushi Suzui, Yosuke Miyairi, Mayuri Inoue, Hironobu Kan, Shoko Hirabayashi, Indian Ocean late Holocene oceanography reconstructed from fossil corals from Malé Island, Maldives, The 23rd international Radiocarbon Conference (Trondheim, Norway, 2018.6.17-22 Sun-Fri) poster.
Fujio Kumon, Jonathan J. Tyler, Richard Staff, Yusuke Yokoyama, MiFalseru Ikehara, Akira Hayashida, Danielle McLean, Takeshi Nakagawa, – Suigetsu Varves 2006 Project Members9, Millennial scale variability in the East Asian monsoon: a common signal amongst lakes Suigetsu, Nojiri and Biwa, japan, The 23rd international Radiocarbon Conference (Trondheim, Norway, 2018.6.17-22 Sun-Fri) poster.
- Yosuke Miyairi, Reisuke Kondo, Hiroko Fujita, Yusuke Yokoyama, Sequential radiocarbon measurement on peaty sediments to reconstruct high precision age model of marsh deposits, The 23rd international Radiocarbon Conference (Trondheim, Norway, 2018.6.17-22 Sun-Fri) poster.
- Narumi Ishizawa, Yusuke Yokoyama, Yosuke Miyairi, Takahiro Aze, Shoko Hirabayashi, Large dead carbon fraction detected from stalagmites obtained from the Kyusendo cave in Japan, The 23rd international Radiocarbon Conference (Trondheim, Norway, 2018.6.17-22 Sun-Fri) poster.
☆15th Annual Meeting, Asia Oceania Geoscience Society (Honolulu, Hawaii, 2018.6)★
- Yokoyama, Y. Timing is the Key to Understand What Lies Beneath: Recent Developments in Geochronology Untangle Mysteries in Fields from Past Climate Changes to Geohazards,15th Annual Meeting, Asia Oceania Geoscience Society (Hawaii Convention Centre, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2018.6.3-8 Sun-Fri) oral. INVITED
☆2018 JOHN FEST (Huston, USA, 2018.4)★
- Yokoyama, Y. Rapid Changes of Antarctic ice sheets during the last 30,000 year, 2018 JOHN FEST (Rice University, Huston, USA, 2018.4.21 Sat) oral. INVITED
☆津波の研究についてのワークショップ(仙台, 2018.6)★
- 横山 祐典, 津波堆積物の年代測定について, 津波の研究についてのワークショップ (東北大学災害科学国際研究所, 仙台, 宮城, 2018.6.1 Fri) 口頭.
☆2018年度地球惑星科学連合大会(幕張メッセ, 2018.5)★
- 横山 祐典, シングルステージ加速器質量分析装置, 2018年地球惑星連合大会 (幕張メッセ, 2018.5.20 Sun) 口頭. 招待講演
伊藤 真裕子, 清島 璃乃, 菅 浩伸, 宮入 陽介, 横山 祐典, 藤田 和彦, 堆積物特性と放射性炭素年代に基づく久米島ハテノハマ周辺サンゴ礁堆積物の生産・運搬・堆積, 2018年地球惑星連合大会 (幕張メッセ, 2018.5.20 Sun) 口頭.
福與 直人, 横山 祐典, Clark Geoffey, 窪田 薫, 宮入 陽介, 杉原 奈央子, 白井 厚太朗, 樋口 富彦, 宮島 利宏, 二枚貝を用いた完新世トンガ王国における古環境復元, 2018年地球惑星連合大会 (幕張メッセ, 2018.5.20 Sun) 口頭.
横山 祐典, 斎藤 文紀, 北里 洋, 原田 尚美, 阿部 彩子, 多田 隆治, 入野 智久, 川村 賢二,中塚 武, PAGES:将来の気候・環境変動理解のための近過去復元研究, 2018年地球惑星連合大会 (幕張メッセ, 2018.5.20 Sun) 口頭. 招待講演
- 中田 正夫, 奥野 淳一, 横山 祐典, 入江 芳矢, ランベック クルツ, パーセル アンソニー, Viscosity structure of Earth’s mantle inferred from glacial isostatic adjustment, 2018年地球惑星連合大会 (幕張メッセ, 2018.5.21 Mon) 口頭.
高柳 栄子, 若木 重行, Irwan Irwan, 関根 直紀, De Vleeschouwer David, Groeneveld Jeroen, Bogus Kara, 石輪 健樹, 佐藤 時幸, Mamo L. Briony, He Yuxin, McHugh M. Cecilia, Reuning Lars, Renema Willem, Christensen A. Beth, Henderiks Jorijntje, Gallagher J. Stephen, Fulthorpe S. Craig, 石川 剛志, 横山 祐典, 井龍 康文, Papers History of the Leeuwin Current during the last 5 million years: Evidence from seawater Neodymium isotope variation, 2018年地球惑星連合大会 (幕張メッセ, 2018.5.21 Mon) 口頭. 招待講演
Adam David Sproson, Philip Pogge von Strandmann, David Selby, Timothy Lenton, Emilia Jarochowska, Jiří Frýda, Jindřich Hladil, David Loydell, Ladislav Slavík, Orbitally paced Silurian glaciations invoke negative weathering feedbacks that reverse global cooling, 2018年地球惑星連合大会 (幕張メッセ, 2018.5.21 Mon) 口頭.
Evelien Boes, Osamu Fujiwara, Yusuke Yokoyama, Sabine Schmidt, Svenja Riedesel, Atsunori Nakamura, Vanessa M.A. Heyvaert, Helmut Brückner, Marc De Batis, A long record of extreme wave events in coastal Lake Hamana, Japan, 2018年地球惑星連合大会 (幕張メッセ, 2018.5.22 Tue) 口頭.
- Aurelia Dominique Hubert-Ferrari, Laura Lamair, Shinya Yamamoto, Osamu Fujiwara, Yusuke Yokoyama, Stephen Obrachta,Yosuke Miyairu, Atsunori Nakamura, Marc De Batist, Vanessa M.A Heyvaert, QuakeRecNankai Team, Natural hazards recorded in the Fuji Five Lakes: earthquake shaking, typhoon induced flooding and volcanic eruptions, 2018年地球惑星連合大会 (幕張メッセ, 2018.5.23 Wed) 口頭.
- 三輪 亘, オブラクタ スティーブン, 白井 厚太郎, 横山 祐典, 宮入 陽介, ウェブスター ジョーディー, ハイン アルバート, 堆積相解析によるグレートバリアリーフの形成年代特定, 2018年地球惑星連合大会 (幕張メッセ, 2018.5.23 Wed) 口頭.
オブラクタ スティーブン, Bryan Lockheed, Raimund Muscheler, 横山 祐典, 宮入陽介, An age-Depth modeling method for improved treatment of uncertainty, 2018年地球惑星連合大会 (幕張メッセ, 2018.5.23 Wed) 口頭.
桜庭 真依子, 角野 浩史, 松崎 浩之, 楠野 葉瑠香, 横山 祐典, 宮入 陽介, 大場 武, 西野佳奈, マルチ同位体トレーサーを利用した福島県沿岸地域における地下水流動系の解明―3H-3He年代測定法を中心とした検討―, 2018年地球惑星連合大会 (幕張メッセ, 2018.5.24 Thu) 口頭.
石沢 成美, 横山 祐典, 宮入 陽介, 阿瀬 貴博, 平林 頌子, U–Th年代・放射性炭素年代測定法を用いた熊本県球泉洞の石筍の年代決定, 2018年地球惑星連合大会 (幕張メッセ, 2018.5.24 Thu) 口頭.
宮入 陽介, 近藤 玲介, 冨士田 裕子, 横山 祐典, 泥炭試料を用いた湿原堆積物の高精度放射性炭素年代決定, 2018年地球惑星連合大会 (幕張メッセ, 2018.5.20 Sun) ポスター.
西田 梢, Yue Chin Chew, 横山 祐典, 鈴木 淳, 宮入 陽介, 平林 頌子, 林 正裕, 野尻 幸宏, Radio- and stable carbon isotopic responses in experimentally-cultured bivalves for theunderstanding of acidification effect on bivalve nutrient uptake and biomineralization, 2018年地球惑星連合大会 (幕張メッセ, 2018.5.20 Sun) ポスター.
岡 顕, 阿部 彩, 横山 祐典、川村 賢二, 羽角 博康, 氷期大西洋深層循環の熱的閾値への南大洋の役割, 2018年地球惑星連合大会 (幕張メッセ, 2018.5.21 Mon) ポスター.
横山 祐典, 平瀬 祥太朗, シンティー リー, 岩崎 渉, The Pliocene-Pleistocene transition had dual effects on North American migratory birdspeciation, 2018年地球惑星連合大会 (幕張メッセ, 2018.5.21 Mon) ポスター.
中澤 文華, 芦 寿一郎, 大村 亜希子, 宮入 陽介, 横山 祐典, Estimation of the sea floor events by radiocarbon dating of total organic carbon containedin marine sediment, 2018年地球惑星連合大会 (幕張メッセ, 2018.5.21 Mon) ポスター.
石輪 健樹, 横山 祐典, McHugh Cecilia, Reuning Lars, Gallagher Stephen, The Holocene Australian Summer Monsoon variability revealed by IODP Expedition 356sediments, 2018年地球惑星連合大会 (幕張メッセ, 2018.5.22 Tue) ポスター.
Bethany Behrens, Yusuke Yokoyama, Yosuke Miyairi, Adam David Sproson, Cosmogenic beryllium isotope analysis of ice sheet dynamics, Adélie Basin, EastAntarctica, 2018年地球惑星連合大会 (幕張メッセ, 2018.5.22 Tue) ポスター.
Philipp Kempf, Osamu Fujiwara, Yosuke Miyairi, Yusuke Yokoyama, Atsunori Nakamura, Ed Garrett, Marc De Batist, Vanessa Mary An Heyvaert, QuakeRecNankai team, Geological evidence for extreme wave events on the Sagara coastal lowland facing theTōkai segment of the Nankai-Suruga Trough, 2018年地球惑星連合大会 (幕張メッセ, 2018.5.22 Tue) ポスター.
Ed Garrett, Osamu Fujiwara, Svenja Riedesel, Jan Walstra, Koen Deforce, Yusuke Yokoyama, Sabine Schmidt, Helmut Brückner, Marc De Batisz, Vanessa Mary An Heyvaert, QuakeRecNankai team, Historical Nankai-Suruga megathrust earthquakes recorded by tsunami and landslidedeposits on the Shirasuka coastal lowlands, Shizuoka Prefecture, 2018年地球惑星連合大会 (幕張メッセ, 2018.5.22 Tue) ポスター.
Laura Lamair, Aurelia Dominique Hubert-Ferrari, Shinya Yamamoto, Yusuke Yokoyama, Yosuke Miyairi, Ed Garrett, Osamu Fujiwara, Stephen Obrochta, Atsunori Nakamura, Marc De Batist, Vanessa M.A. Heyvaert, QuakeRecNankai Team, Paleoearthquakes recorded in the Fuji Five Lakes during the last ca. 6000 years (FujiFive Lakes, Japan), 2018年地球惑星連合大会 (幕張メッセ, 2018.5.22 Tue) ポスター.
☆日本質量分析学会・日本プロテオーム学会2018年合同大会(大阪, 2018.5)★
- 横山祐典, 宮入陽介, 阿瀬貴博, 平林頌子, シングルステージ加速器質量分析装置を用いた放射性炭素分析とその応用, 日本質量分析学会・日本プロテオーム学会2018年合同大会 (吹田, 大阪, 2018.5.15-18 Tue-Fri) 口頭.