グループC DiaryDay5 (9/7)
[1st Stop: Kann-no-kura Tsunami rocks] Facts: We visited Kann-no-kura (神の倉)Tsunami rocks and cliffs. Over 1m huge rocks were there. The biggest one is over 5m in diameter. Those rocks have similar cha ...
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グループE DiaryDay4 (9/6)
TEPCO Decommissioning Archive This morning we visited the TEPCO decommissioning archive. This was a museum in relation to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011 and the subsequent decontaminat ...
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グループB DiaryDay3 (9/5)
The Intro: Winter is coming - we headed north to Fukushima prefecture. Today was a heavy day, and one for deep reflection. We spent our day learning about the impact of natural disasters in Japan, spe ...
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グループA DiaryDay2 (9/5)
Group A Felt a Sudden EarthquAke After a restful sleep, we gleefully made our way back to AORI for another action packed day of gaining new knowledge. While our day was filled with back to back to bac ...
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グループD DiaryDay1 (9/4)
We began our trip with an opening ceremony with different speakers from universities and embassies from both Australia and Japan. From their talks we learnt about a few cultural differences. The Austr ...
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