





当研究室へは東京大学大学院理学系研究科・地球惑星科学専攻より、学内・学外、出身学部・学科を問わず入学可能です。また、東京大学理学部地球惑星環境学科から、卒論生を受け入れています。 私達の研究室に興味のある方は、ぜひ一度見学にいらしてください!



  • 過去200万年間の気候変動: 氷期間氷期スケールの気候変動からエルニーニョ、モンスーンなどを含む1−10年間スケールの変動を、フィールドワークや化学分析によって定量化する。特にそれらのイベントのタイミングと規模を正確に復元することにより、気候モデルとの比較ができるようにする。サンプルとしては、サンゴ、沿岸域の堆積物コア、深海堆積物コア、鍾乳石など。
  • 地球表層プロセスに関する研究: 地球物理や地質学そして地理学にまたがるテーマで、浸食・堆積などのメカニズムを宇宙線照射生成核種を用いて行う。
  • 同位体を用いた物質循環に関する研究: 安定または放射性同位体を用いて、海水や河川、堆積物や大気などの間の元素循環のメカニズムを探る。
  • 宇宙線照射生成核種の実験方法の開発: ルーチンで行われている方法の改良や現在開発途中である元素の定量方法の確立。
  • 過去の人類の生活と地球表層環境変動との関わりに関する研究: 海水準変動や気温、水温の変化などは、人間活動の営みを行っていく上で、その盛衰を左右するものだったと考えられる。放射性炭素の年代測定を行い、考古学的な証拠と照らし合わせながら、それらの関係を考察する。
  • 海水準変動を用いたマントルの粘性構造を明らかにする研究: 最終氷期の後に氷床が退いた為、地球表層の質量再分配が起こったことに起因する隆起や沈降の現象を使い、地球物理学的モデリングを併用して、マントルの粘性構造を求める。
  • など。



  • 出身大学: 東京大学、大阪大学、茨城大学、東京理科大学、神戸大学、名古屋大学、日本大学、早稲田大学、九州大学など
  • 出身学科: 地球惑星環境学科、地球惑星物理学科、物理学科、化学科、応用化学科、地理学科、地質学科、地球惑星科学科、地球生命環境学科など

Students and Postdocs Wanted!

Call for Students!

We are looking for master’s and doctoral students who are interested in our research.

Admission to our laboratory is open to students from the Department of Earth and Planetary Science (Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo) and the Graduate Program of Environmental Sciences (Department of Interdisciplinary Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences), regardless of whether they are on- or off-campus, and regardless of the department or faculty from which they graduated. Both domestic and international students are welcome to apply. We also accept undergraduate thesis students from the Department of Earth and Planetary Environments (Faculty of Science, the University of Tokyo) and the Programs in English at Komaba (PEAK), College of Arts and Science. If you are interested in our laboratory, please come and visit us!

Potential Thesis Themes

There are many possible themes besides those listed below, so please contact us directly for specific information. Please also refer to the “Introduction to Our Research” and “Laboratory Members” pages.

  • Climate change over the past 2 million years: Quantify climate change on a 1-10 year scale, from ice period glacial scale to El Niño, monsoons, etc., through fieldwork and chemical analysis. In particular, the timing and magnitude of those events will be accurately reconstructed so that they can be compared with climate models. Samples include corals, coastal sediment cores, deep-sea sediment cores, stalactite, etc..
  • Study of Earth’s surface processes: Topics span geophysics, geology, and geography, and involve mechanisms such as erosion and sedimentation using cosmogenic nuclides.
  • Isotope-based material cycle studies: Explore the mechanisms of elemental cycles in seawater, rivers, sediments, and the atmosphere using stable or radioactive isotopes.
  • Development of experimental methods for cosmogenic nuclides: Improvement of routine methods and establishment of quantitative methods for elements that are currently under development.
  • Research on the relationship between past human life and changes in the Earth’s surface environment: Changes in sea level, air temperature, and water temperature are thought to have influenced the rise and fall of human activity in the course of their activities. Radiocarbon dating will be conducted to examine these relationships in the context of archaeological evidence.
  • Study to clarify the viscous structure of the mantle using sea-level change: Using geophysical modeling, we will determine the viscous structure of the mantle using the phenomena of uplift and subsidence caused by mass redistribution in the Earth’s surface layer due to the retreat of the ice sheets after the last glacial period.

Where Laboratory Members Come From

The laboratory is composed of members who come from various universities, disciplines and countries.

  • Alma mater: The University of Tokyo, Osaka University, Ibaraki University, Tokyo University of Science, Kobe University, Nagoya University, Nihon University, Waseda University, Kyushu University, etc.
  • Alumni departments: Department of Earth and Planetary Environment, Department of Geophysics, Department of Physics, Department of Chemistry, Department of Applied Chemistry, Department of Geography, Department of Geology, Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Department of Earth and Life Environment, Department of Interdisciplinary Science etc.
  • Countries: Australia, China, Japan, USA

Yokoyama Lab,
Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute,
The University of Tokyo

5-1-5,Kashiwanoha,Kashiwa-shi,Chiba 277-8564 Japan


Phone: +81-80-7130-1438

Copyright © 2025 Yusuke Yokoyama Lab. All Rights Reserved.